Alzheimer's disease is a disease of senile people. It is a destruction of neuronal cells that are responsible for memory loss, anxiety and depression. Since 2019, the French Riding Federation and the association France Alzheimer have signed a collaboration to mutualize the networks. The aim is to promote equine mediation in the accompaniment of people with Alzheimer's disease. The new treatment is called equitherapie, which is the association of equitation to the therapy of Alzheimer's disease.
The effects of equitation on people with Alzheimer's disease
The benefit of horseback riding for Alzheimer's is confidence and self-esteem. Patients with the disease flourish, become more independent and are sociable with those around them. Horseback riding is recognized as a remedy, a vector of care for well-being. According to the IFCE (or French institute of horse riding): people with Alzheimer's disease live in the present moment, like the horse that does not think about the future. It is not a question of judging or criticizing the handicap. According to specialists, the horse arouses the desire to walk and the desire to stroke. Horseback riding is ideal for people with Alzheimer's disease because it is an activity that can mobilize the muscles of the patient unconsciously.
Horses are the ideal partner for Alzheimer's patients
The FFE (or French Equestrian Federation) aims to make everyone practice the sport according to the respect of the individuality of each one. Specialists have been able to see the attachment of Alzheimer's patients to horses, the ease of communication of the elderly. The organisation is keen to develop equestrian activities for everyone but especially for Alzheimer's patients. The foundation for France Alzheimer wants to consolidate the collaboration between the two partners. Horses improve the mental and physical health of people affected by Alzheimer's disease. It is a privilege to be able to offer elderly people with Alzheimer's disease sports activities that can improve their well-being.
Vacation and respite stays
These are initiatives to be taken for the good of the sick. Horseback riding can be a vacation and a respite for people with Alzheimer's disease. Be aware that there is a scientific evaluation of the benefits of horseback riding for people with Alzheimer's disease. Collaboration between the sports federation on horseback riding and people with Alzheimer's disease is very important to model actions and to improve the credibility of the action carried out. Be aware that there are infrastructures and materials available to welcome the specific public. Accompanying family members or carers can also benefit from a moment's respite and take advantage of riding sessions. Horseback riding can help the group of residents with Alzheimer's disease to improve the person's psychomotor skills. It is a rewarding and positive experience for the person with Alzheimer's disease.